Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wu Tang Wednesday

As you may have realized today is Wednesday and that means one thing... WU TANG! Today's song is my favorite Wu Tang Song, and also the same song that sparked my interest. I present you Da Mystery of Chessboxing.
Article to come tomorrow after the Knicks Game

Peace out

--Follow me on twitter @TheyCallMeFink

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A more cultural take on the Blog

This article is dedicated to none other then to my close, personal friend Usain. Asalaam alaikum my brother.

Now, before I start, I just want to point out that after a horrendous start to the season, The University of Tennessee Vols have now risen to 8-6 in league play. Not only has this team found a style of play that suits there skills, but they also attracted the services of Jarnell Stokes. What Jarnell Stokes brings is a very unique situation. Having graduated early from high school early, he was able to join Tennssee for the later part of the season. What this has created is the opportunity for the first ever one-and-a-half and done. Now, if he were to go on and to succeed in the league, this might create a new blueprint for young men to jump to league with as much skill as possible. Imagine instead of staying in HS for the second, and most pointless semester ( like Shaquile O'neal at the 3point line), John Wall plays 1.5 full seasons full seasons under the supreme tutelage of Coach Cal. Now, what this might have lead to is not only a super freak Wall, but one that could efficiently run ann offense, and could also hit an open jump shot. Now, imagine if Tyreke had a little more expereince running an offense, and learned how to select his shots. Scary right? Lets hope this catches fire because this is as a whole has incredible athlete breeding potential.

Now on to the bulk of this final article, and that is the fine fine feature length moving picture known colloquial as Rush Hour 2. In this film, Jackie Chan plays the quirky, and awkward kung fu master cop. Now normally, I would have no problem with this, but a man with this much skill in kicking ass should not be a cop. In real life, he would be much higher up due to his clear skill. God damn, in the movie alone he scales up a bamboo scaffolding, carries himself the water using only his arms, and a Styrofoam box. Now, I'm not saying this man is JCVD (Jean Claud Van D) but the dude offers so major fucking skills that a natural peon cop should not have. Normally, where Pump is from, the cops are fairly out of shape, middle aged, white men that have a sense of entitlement that would make Randy Moss look humble, so this man sticks out. To me, this man deserves a part in some high order of government or be part of Gang instead and get bank. Then, Jackie is joined by the one and only Chris Tucker. Now, many of my more cultured readers are thinking wait, Chris Tucker as a cop, wasn't that the skinny brotha that played Smokey in the always classic Friday? Well yes it is, and he maintains the same moxie and vibrato that made us all love him as the pot yea. Through out this fine film, one will notice the same general paranoia, general quirkiness,  and the general psychotics that made him one of the best pot comedy character of all. And quite possibly the greatest of all time. Whats most amazing about this movie is that they point out something that most of us watchers have always wanted to say. This statement is FUCKING prophetic from the lips of Agent Carter (Chris Tucker) he says, "Dont nobody understand the words comin' out of your mouth." Well put my man.

Then on to my final order of business and that is the second movie I watched, and that is the Matrix Reloaded. And folks, if you haven't watched this recently, you should go back and do so, it is amazing. But, I do not want to talk about the whole film, for now. Right now, I want to focus two of my favorite characters, and these are none other than the twins. In this movie, we are introduced to them with one of the single greatest shots of all time. As the camera pans to them, you notice two albino men in white out attire smoking a hookah in the dark corner of the room, with dread locks. Now, I don't know about you, but let me tell ya, when I first saw this my prayers were answered. Never before had to characters been so mysterious, and hilarious at the same time. Then to supplament this by giving them "Kitty Pryde Mode" so that they can go through any physical object whenever they feel like it, and heal all their wounds instantly. But, if this wasn't already enough, they decided to turn them into total thugs also. How you may ask? Let me provide some evidence of this. First off, they drive a Caddy Escalade, in all white of course. Then, one of the twins close range weapon of choice is none other than a whited out barbers razor which yet again yells thug to me. Finally, if you listen very closely, every time they have a shot of them in the Caddy you can faintly hear "keep their heads ringing" by Dr. Dre. Although this last piece of evidence is not true, I hope to god you get my point, and that these two goons are knuckle tattoos reading "thug life", in all white of course, from being the biggest thugs all time.

Sincerly Pump Action Kraus.
And for all of those looking for inspiration, I leave you with two things. This is the picture to the side and the quote bellow. This of a man that dreamed, and lived his dream through heard work. His passion so great inspired millions to follow a dream of there own.

"Hear I go, deep type flows
Jacques Cousteau could never get this low"

This just showing how far his inspiration has reached.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Knicks vs. Heat

From the minute that game started the Knicks looked scared for their lives. The Knicks could not hold on the ball, took dumb shots, and played putrid defense. It goes without saying that Jeremy Lin had an awful game. This was probably the biggest game in his young career and he fell short. But Carmelo and Amare have been there before and did not step it up in the absence of Lin. Even though Melo put up 19 points, he shot 7-20 in a big game where he really should have been more effective. Amare shot well, but had 6 fucking turnovers. What the fuck? We pay these guys big money and they completely shit the bed and have been all season. Lin on the other hand had a bad game. But playing well in the clutch comes with experience and it will be important to see how he rebounds from this game. He has a great work ethic so I have no doubt that he will continue to be effective throughout the rest of the season. But the real LVP from last night was Baron Davis. This was a guy who 2 weeks ago was supposed to be the answer to the Knicks struggle. He shot 0-7 from the field taking some of the most idiotic shots I've ever seen. He is the seasoned veteran that should be a consistent guy off the bench for Lin. When Lin has a bad game, the Knicks should be able to rely Baron to provide at least something. But the highlight of the night comes from two players who I felt played pretty damn good games. My first shout out goes to JR Smith. He looked great coming off the bench hitting tough shots proving to be an effective pick-up by the Knicks. But the player of the game (for the Knicks) goes to none other, than the sniper, Steve Novak. Steve the Sniper has had ice in his veins when shooting from the 3pt line. It seems like every game he shoots above 50% from deep.

Amare and Carmelo really need to step up their games. They don't look like they are into the game. They don't have that burst the Lin has. Even though Lin had a shit game, at least he always ran back on defense and continued to drive to the hoop as he normally does. This game falls on Melo and Amare's back. These are the games where they are supposed to strive, instead all the pressure went on Lin who's lack of experience did not prepare him for this game.

Much Love
 --follow me on twitter @TheyCallMeFink

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wu-Tang Wednesday

The writing staff of BHMS has a tradition on Wednesday called Wu-Tang Wednesday. This day is to be dedicated to listening to, at the very least, one song. Of course devout followers like me listen to more. Wu-Tang Wednesday is a two day event which eliminates Thursday from the calendar.
Todays Song C.R.E.A.M. I will post an article tomorrow.

Much Love


--Follow me on twitter @TheyCallMeFink

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Recent Sports News

Over the last couple of days, there have been some very interesting stories in the world of sports that have caught my attention. Many of these stories I have found to be completely ridiculous, but definitely worth mentioning. Here are all the stories that have caught my attention.

Yesterday according to Pedro Gomez of ESPN, the Oakland Athletics and Manny Ramirez have agreed to a minor league contract that is worth approximately $500,000. He still has to serve his 50 game suspension at the start of the season for failing his second drug test (really bro? come on). Even though it's been a while since Manny was seen in a Red Sox uniform, I still find it weird and oddly comical to see him on any other team besides the Red Sox. Manny isn't even being Manny anymore. He's basically worthless at this point. He will never ever give you the just above .300 batting average and the 30 homers he used to back in his Red Sox days. Hell, he might not even make to the majors again with the deal he just signed with the A's. At this point, Manny has bounced around teams like Kim Kardashian has bounced around with professional athletes. I miss Manny being Manny. Too bad baseball fans around America will never see that again.

As reported today, Greg Oden has undergone yet another micro-fracture surgery on his left knee. This will be the former number one overall draft pick of the 2007 NBA draft's second left knee surgery. He also already had knee surgery on his right knee once before. The basketball gods (and not to mention the facial construction gods) must have it in for this guy. The dude has  knees of my 98 year old grandmother and looks of a World War 2 veteran. As said at the ESPY's by Greg Oden himself "I want to vote for Obama, but I went to high school with McCain". At least the guy can make fun of himself. Mr. Oden had such a promising career coming out of The Ohio State University, averaging almost 16 points, 10 rebounds, and shooting almost 62% per game. But his bad knees have basically derailed his career. Oden says he doesn't plan to retire anytime soon, but he should seriously consider it with his elderly knees he was born with. May I also add, how stupid must the Portland Trailblazers feel? They had the first overall pick in the 2007 NBA draft and they chose Oden over some dude named Kevin Durant. Last time I checked, he's pretty fucking good. With the talent they have now and Durant, they would have been the best team in the West hands down. I understand that Oden was the right pick at the time and they needed a franchise center, but now that decision has backfired immensely.

At the Alabama Florida basketball game last tuesday, an Alabama student created the ultimate photobomb to distract the gators from making their free throw attempts. This student created a large, blow up photo of his face, with his nostrils flaring and his eyeballs wide open. This kid has simply become an overnight viral sensation. His name is Jackson Blackenship, a freshman from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He was recently spotted at the Knicks Nets game yesterday with the same face photo he used at the Alabama Florida game. He was on the fucking Today Show this morning and is scheduled to appear on the Jimmy Fallon Show tonight. This kid is living the life now. One night, he's an average Alabama freshman (who from what I heard pledged for ATO in the fall, one of the nicest houses at Alabama), and is now I viral sensation. Jackson is living the life. Way to go man.

In Alabama sports news, Alabama defeated Tennessee in basketball 62-50 on saturday. Suck it kraus. Fuck UT.

Padre Bama

the triopic mega article

The other day my friend asked me how the human race would be doing if we were made of turnips.     Well, I said, "Shit. I don't like turnips."

First off, I want to apologize to my 7 (and growing) readers for not posting sooner, but father pump had some business in sin city that he wanted me to join him on, so I've been out of computer access since thursday so its been rough. Fortunately when i take i also give. So with that in mind, I bring you the Inception article (article inside an article, inside an article. for all u culturally inept people).  So in this article I will try to broach on the topics of the mountain west conference (due to the fact i am in vegas). LeBron James pot spoking, and of course the polarizing figure that is TIGRE Woods.
In the current era of the NBA, it is commonly known that many players are smoking year round ( i mean just look at Bill Walker, his eyes have been red since his freshman year in high school). Hell, even as recently as december the NBA decided that drug testing would stop in the summer. Now, what does this tell the players? probably something along the lines of shit, "Shyitttt, once i get my last pay check from team x i am gonna buy a pound and get stoopid with my boys." Or i mean thats what I would say.

Now on to the fat of this article and that is none other than LB J, LeBron James, aka LePot Head. As many of you may have already know, he already has a past with pot. But if you have not heard this before he has repeatedly admitted to smoking that green shit in high school. Now I don't know about you but every time he plays, and every other time he is on camera, he still looks high as a horned frog in a sugar cane. Now on to my theory of how his heavy smoke habit is affecting his play. As one may know after any interaction, with any substance that afterwards you will feel a withdrawal that will sap the substance from you. Now with this in mind, I would like to examine his quarter by quarter statistics. In the first quarter, he averages a impressive 8.3 points, then in the second it drops by more than a full point to 6.9 points, then after half time it raises to an even more impressive 8.4 points, but then finally and most expectedly his forth quarter average drops yet again by more than a point to 7.3 points. ( stat source)

 Now to the untrained eye, this may just represent fatigue that many athletes experience during the course of a grueling 30 minute half, but to the trained eye this represents much more. As one knows there is a major come down from smoking around the 45 minute mark, at this time the user of the drug will possibly experience both sleepiness and lack of energy. Now to fully explain this phenomenon one must know that the average NBA quarter lasts around 30 minutes due to time outs, and other random stoppages of time.

Now to explain how I see this playing out for LeBron (no real prof but it is logical).... so before the game LeBron and Dwayne split a blunt getting high as Mike Tyson on a coke bender. What this leads to is the insane creativity, especially when attacking the rim, and skill that they both exhibit on any given night. Then as the game wheres on, the affects of the pre-game festivities start to wear off for him around the second quarter. During the second quarter, he starts to develop both fatigue and a massive headache that is only exacerbated by the deafening crowds that he has come to play in front of. Other ailments that start to hinder his attention to the game are both the munchies, and cotton mouth. This leads to an increasing turnover rate for LeBron (around 6 per game on average). Then as they go in to the half time break, Lebron sprints to the locker room where he has had his vaporizer pre heating to about 340 degrees with the jumbo sized bags filled with the thickest vapor one can create, along with a tray of his favorite snacks. Then as Eric Spolestra explains the game plan, LeBron and Joel Anthony rip bag after bag as the vap attendant (I know decadent but what does he care he makes 18 mil a year+ endorsements)
Then with the reddest of eyes, and the most freshest baked of souls, he storms back out on to the court playing with the energy of a million coke heads. Then just as LeBron thinks that he can make it to the end of the game with out a come down he starts to feel it. It starts in his legs then moves to his eyes, then finally the brain. The energy is sapped out of him as each second of the forth quarter passes. Out of energy and out of breath, LeBron secedes his responsibilities to Wade because he honestly is to burnt out and wants to take a weed nap in his California king sized bed with silk sheets (understandable).

And that people is how and why I think LeBron is a pot head.

Fuckin Baller
Now, on to the most epic conference race currently taking place in the country, and no power 6 conferences I am not talking about you. I am talking none other than the mountain west. Starting their rise towards mainstream relevancy during the early 90's when Jerry Tark took his uber talented squad to the finals twice, winning once, the mountain west has now built a talent rich league that simply can not be ignored. Today, there are four teams that can, and should make the tournament.

First off I will start off with UNLV. Lead by UCLA cast offs  Mike Moser, and Chance Stanback along with junior Anthony Marshall. What that last sentence alone should tell you is that this team is no regular overly well coached Hoosier shit. It instead tells you that this has some power six conference castoffs that are back to snap necks, and cash checks. With this in mind, one can already see that UNLV is out to destroy having already defeated what was at the time the #1 ranked UNC team in late November. In this file://localhost/Users/darylbrookkraus/Desktop/i.jpeggame not only did they beat them, but they punched them in the mouth, and made em' look like a big ol' bunch of softies. But like many teams this young, ( I don't care how old they may seem, they are  still 18, 19, 20, 21) in a building with 18- 20 thousand pissed off drunk college students, they tend to get a little shaky when the cheers aren't in their favor. By this I mean they can not play away from home, when one examines their record they will see most of the trophy wins at home, and all the embarrassments on the road.

Now on to the next team that I love in this division, and this is none other than SDSU. As some of my most loyal readers may know ol pump has a brother, and for some reason that kid has always had an obsession with this fine university. This love has infact rubbed on to me because there is nothing to dislike about this squad at the moment. They have a great coach in Steve Fisher, the man that brought you all the fab 5. They have a talented squad that can score in bunches, including the dynamic and electric 1-2 guard combination of Jamaal Franklin and Chase Tapley. Although I think this team can go great distances, they also just can not play at home taking almost all their losses away from home. I also want to make a shout out to the student section at SDSU known as the show. Of all the student sections I have ever known (and ive known quite a few) none have come to this level of intensity and creativity. For instance this is what happens when the BYU cougars role in to town. I dare any other school to get on The Shows level.

Now on to the final, and most person part of the article. This means none other that I am going to spill my heart out about Tiger Woods. When talking about polarizing this is the first man I always think, of no not that virgin choir boy in denver that everyone thinks is so great. So the man starts off his career with 14 Major wins along with god knows how many other wins, wins the US Open on one knee. For about 10 years guys a deities walking among men with a putter. Then man crashes his car on thanksgiving, and then the flood gates open. Turns out not only was his wife trying to attack him, but also it turns out women are attracted to this mans dick like fly tape in a louisiana swamp. Now when i see this man that losses multiple stroke after 56 holes i do not know what to think. I see something different in his eyes honest to say. I dont see the man knew if he was leading come end of day three that is over the next day. I do not see a man that knows how to step on the collective neck of the field. Now i See a man who if he played a round with Lil' Pump Action, would snap mentally and possible self-destruct before hole 13. But as each little step forward brings more light upon this once broken man I start to hope more and more that he will return to the man he once was, the man that pillaged golf courses, and fellow golfer not just everyones wife.
Sorry to end on such a somber note but my love for this man game will never fade. he had raw power, he had tactics, and he electrified a fan base like none before him.
Well also in more recent sports week I just want to point out my 2 sleeper teams, Murray State, and Long Beach State both destroyed their respective bracket-buster Saturday matchup.
Thats all for now
   Pump Action Kraus

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Quick Thought of Mind, Then the Horrible Mess that is the Charlotte Bobcats

Let me start off by saying this. You could've just let this go by and minded your own business. You had to say something. You could've just let this slip by, but you had to open your fucking mouth and speak your mind. Well, you did it. As you said before, you opened up Pandoras Box, and now its time for me to speak my mind. First of all, this blog was created for my journalism class for college. Get your head out of your fucking ass and get over yourself. Second, last time I saw you, your ass was planted on the end of the bench in a high school basketball game while I was starting that very game. I'm not saying I was Michael Jordan in his prime, but at least I played. I probably had more points then you had minutes. You also tore your ACL playing basketball. At least say you tore your ACL playing football or you got ran over by a car or got into a knife fight or some shit. I also heard your cried when Harvey beat y'all in lacrosse my junior year. Real manly of you. Finally, I thought the man in this picture was a professional football player, not a white kid, fraternity man wannabe that goes to private school in Connecticut. I dare you to come to Alabama and go through pledge ship like i did. It separates the boys from men. So come down whenever you like 'bro'. You got to speak your mind or as you would call it "spit fire." Not only is what I said a thought of mind, it's real talk, so make yourself useful for once in your life and man up, lace up some sneakers and take a lap.

Speaking of Michael Jordan, happy birthday to the G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time, for those who didn't know). It seems like yesterday when I was a little munchkin watching MJ himself on TV with my dad sinking the game winning three ball to win the NBA Finals against the Utah Jazz in '98. So, what better way to celebrate MJ's 49th birthday then telling y'all how horrible of an owner he is and how disgustingly bad his Charlotte Bobcats are. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time (even though Pump Action Kraus would disagree), possibly the greatest and most successful American athlete of all time, but greatest owner of all time, he's FAR from it. First of all, losing 16 games in a row and having the worst record in the league (3-26) doesn't help your case. Second, you don't trade or let go the best players on your team. You let Tyson Chandler go, who ended up winning an NBA championship with the Dallas Mavericks. You trade Gerald (dark as night, dreads swag) Wallace away to the Portland Trailblazers for Joel Przybilla, Dante Cunningham, and two first-round picks. Are you fucking kidding me? The two first-round picks were the only things slightly relevant for that franchise. What did they use those two first round picks for? They drafted Kemba Walker, who frankly is their best player now, and some fucking dude from the Congo named Bismack Biyombo, who barely gets minutes (just like someone who I mentioned earlier). Those moves really worked out for you MJ.

When I bought NBA 2K12, I went to the Charlotte Bobcats roster, just to see how bad they were rated. Their best player was Kemba Walker, who was rated a 76. That says it all right there. They have some young studs on that team that could potentially develop into solid players in the future. Gerald Henderson, Kemba Walker, Tyrus Thomas to name a few. Let me not forget that they have the ultimate trade bait player himself in Corey Maggette. My favorite Bobcat of all is Matt Carroll. He never sees the floor, unless they are winning big time or getting pounded in the ass by Lebron James and the queens of South Beach. I played a pickup game with this guy when I was a freshman in high school at a basketball camp in Pennsylvania. There was one point where he hit 15 three balls in a row. One of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. Give this man some fucking minutes! He doesn't miss from beyond the arc.

I love the bobcats for personal reasons (ask Smoke Dragon Fink if you really want to know), but they could possibly end up being the worst team in NBA history. And Michael Jordan, please give up the owner gig. It's not working out for you, but happy birthday MJ.

Now if y'all will excuse me, I have to get plastered tonight and consume large amounts of heavy alcohol. It's about to get crazy. I'm glad I got to speak my mind. Take notice of what I said.

- Padre Bama

A Response to a False Claim and The Revival of Basketball in New York

Let me start off by saying, in no way what we are doing here at BHMS is at all original. It has been done before and it will be done again. If one were to think he/she was original in creating a blog that talks about sports rather frankly, then they are mistaken. And if then they have the audacity to single us out for "stealing" their idea because that cannot fathom a little competition, then they, my friends, have asked for war. If this sad person thinks he is in any way "innovative" and "creative" then he/she is wrong. This is how people have talked about sports for centuries. Claiming it to be their "intellectual property" is not only a lie but basically taking credit for the way basically everybody talks about sports. This person should basically go fuck himself. If war he wants, war he will get.

Now on to the reason Padre Bama started this blog, sports. Early today JR Smith officially announced via twitter that he will be joining Melo, Amare, and the Yellow Mamba in the Big Apple. I love this fucking move. Two weeks ago, I had given up on the Knicks, something which I am not proud of. But then the Linsanity began. The Knicks system revolves around a point guard who can control the court, something which that Toney Douglas, Iman Shumpert, and that alien Mike Bibby could not provide. The pick and roll is an integral part of D'Antoni's offense. It basically get rid of that "point forward" bull shit he put Melo up to. No longer will we be seeing Melo taking 30 shots a game and Amare playing at the 3pt line like some scared pussy. The JR Smith addition will not only add swag to the already swagtastic Knicks, it will add a solid 3pt shooter who does not suck at everything else *cough Mike Bibby and Bill Walker*. After tonight, Knicks will be playing some real competition. If the Knicks can play well (not necessarily win) in all of these games, I think the Knicks should have no problem making it to the playoffs.

That's all for now. Fuck Haters!

Smoke Dragon Fink

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Artist Formerly Known as Wyman

"Kings respect Kings"- Pump Action Kraus

The quote above, courtesy of my good friend Pump Action Kraus, may appear just to be a simple quote that means as what it says. But if you take time to truly ponder this intellectual quote, you see the further meaning. I like to think myself as a person of the highest honor. Respect goes a long way in how true companionships between men (and women) are formed. People without respect for others come off as assholes and are therefore not worthy of my friendship and hence have no honor.

Now tell to you about myself. I am a good Jewish boy from Bedford, NY. I am a freshman at the University of Richmond and like most freshmen, I have no fucking idea what my major will be. Here I earned the nickname Fink, like the Jewish fellow in Beer Fest. To make this VERY clear, Fink is NOT my real name. Sorry about the capslock. Unlike Padre Bama's Crimson Tide, Spiders lack in the sports department. That does not take away our achievement of FCS National Champs in 2008 (suck it we have a playoff system) and our Sweet 16 appearance last year. Like Padre and Pump Action,  I went to the "college preparatory" school known as Harvey. I am a die-hard Jets fan. I am convinced I will never be happy because of this. I also enjoy the Knicks, Yankees, and I guess the Rangers (I really don't give a shit for the NHL, nothing against hockey, just not my thing).

The reason I am here, other than to support my compadre, is to decypher all the over-hype bull shit ESPN feeds us only a regular basis. I pride myself off* (courtesy of ACL Blues) being a realist. By that I mean when Skip Bayless thinks that Tebow is this QB sent down by the heavens for having a few good games, I realize this over-exaggerating douche bag is an idiot. Although like Pump Action, I will definitely have a bias in this blog. With that said, I will give credit where credit is due.

In Richmond news, the basketball team suffered a loss to St. Louis tonight.

Love Alwayzzzzz-- Smoke Dragon Fink

Introduction to BHMS

With all due respect to mr. pump action himself, the color orange disgusts me. From those inbred creep fucks in that silly poor excuse of a town called Auburn (pains me to even mention it), to the inside of a pumpkin puke orange in Knoxville, Tennessee, the color orange is something an Alabama fan is meant to hate. I was at the third saturday in october this year, which was one of the best and wildest weekends of my life, and the tennessee fans were obnoxious as all hell. Like honestly, shut the hell up. The last time y'all were relevant was when you had the "string bean arm" himself Peyton Manning as your QB and that fat cheating fuck Fulmer as your head coach. Talk to me when you get 14 national championships. By the way, pump action himself was supposed to attend this fine festivity, but bitched out at the last minute (still love you bro).

Before I get too into it with this irrelevant argument (when we all know Alabama dominates Tennessee in all aspects of football) welcome to Big Hit Mike Sports. With the help of my long time Harvey School friends Matt Wyman (Smoke Dragon Fink) and the one and only Cameron Kraus (Pump Action Kraus) we will provide you sports and news in an aspect you have never seen it before. The different opinions between the three of us will make this blog the biggest thing to hit the web since god damn youtube. Enjoy yourselves.

- Padre Bama

PS. Follow me on twitter. @PadreBama

The requiem of my dreams

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" - Ol' Man Jones

Although at first this may seem like a simple question it actually maintains much deeper meaning to me. To me this represents the truth. It represents some one either telling it how it is or telling it how their boss wants them to tell it. Well rest assured I will never, and I mean never, bend to the will of my superiors.

 Now to address the elephant in the room. By that I mean the giant orange T. As many of you may well know my boss, Padre Bama, is, most unsubtly, attending the University of Alabama in Ttown. But one must remember before he was the beverage consuming, party rocking, woman slaying, hedonistic god that he is now he was once indeed a a lowly sports loving new yorker like myself attending the always comical Harvey school. Now on to myself, I have always been a UT fan. Since I was a child my mother, a UT grad, has instilled the hatred of all things crimson, and the knowledge that the third Saturday in October is a sacred day.

Now on to my mission at this fine blog: To drop the knowledge of sports that ESPN and many other major websites fail to bring you along with sharing the social commentary I find necessary for all elite social members to know.  I plan to talk about both the past and the present. I will not filter my bias in most cases because honestly no one else does so why should I (espn take the hint tebow is boring.)

Now a couple random facts that I want you all to know. My favorite trait in an athlete is a tie between length and a strong mean streak. My favorite basketball player is Allen Iverson, and I feel the game of basketball revolves around the center position.

Thats all for now.  -Pump Action Kraus
P.S. UT just spanked arkansas in a game of intercollegiate men's SEC league sanctioned basketball