Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and Wu Tang Wednesday

Sorry for the long ass title. But there is a lot to be said.

The Good: The Knicks and Yankees
The Knicks have been dominent lately. Every time they take the court they have looked organized on both offense and defense. When Antoni was advertising for Pringles as the Knicks head coach, the team constantly looked like no one knew what the fuck they were doing. And we didn't have a defense. Under Woodson, the Knicks offense has looked the best it has all year. They are spreading the ball around and as of late Carmelo has really stepped his shit up. He has taken a leadership role on the team, and in with the injuries to STAT and Super Lintendo, Melo has taken over almost every game. Tonight, the Knicks took a shit on the highly overrated Magic. I mean sure they have the best center in the league, but the rest of their team is really not that great. Dwight looked disinterested with his sub par performance and it is clear that he wants out, and I don't blame him. The Magic suck, and Dwight deserves better. But my favorite Knick as of late has been none other than Steve "Novakane" Novak. He has been lights out from the arch. That buzzer beater tonight was so swagtastic, I almost fainted. His silky smooth shot is one to be envied throughout the whole NBA. He is like the Knicks version of Brian Scalabrine, but actually does shit. The Knicks, despite having a tough remaining schedule, should see themselves in the playoffs without a doubt.

 The Yankees are in for a fantastic year. I don't know much, but the Bombers rotation looks very solid and the offense, as always, should be among the best in the league. I'll write more about the Yanks as the regular season starts, as I really don't give a rat's ass about the spring training.

The Bad: My bracket
Like a fool, I thought I was somehow a "genius" by picking Florida State to go all the way. After the game against St. Bonaventure, I had some serious regrets. It also didn't help that I had Louisville being upset in the first fucking round. What the fuck was I thinking? This bracket was clearly not my best and was quite possibly my worst. No more picking "hot" unproven teams for me.

The Ugly: The Jets
Last Monday, the Jets were considered an underdog to get Tebow. I tried to deny this, but deep down inside I knew the Jets were going to make this fucking move. I just fucking knew it. But this move really baffles me. Didn't the Jets just give Sanchez an extension? Didn't Mike Tannenbaum announce him as our "guy" for the foreseeable future? Then the Jets had a chance to back out and not pay extra money for at most a guy who despite being a QB can only throw a few good balls a game. I just really don't understand what the Jets are doing. This year could be a very long year for Jets fans. With an unproven QB backed up by a QB who might not even be a good replacement. It looks like the Jets paid an extra 3 million just to basically get the most ridiculous and useless Wildcat formation. And clearly the Jets locker room is not happy with this move. The Jets locker room is already has enough issues to be bothered by an unwanted player. I have nothing against Tebow, and I really hope this works out in the benefit of the Jets organization, but I really don't see this happening, especially after this move.

And of course today is none other than Wu Tang Wednesday. Since I missed last week, I will post two songs today. Method Man and Protect Ya Neck

Peace out friends


--Follow me on twitter @TheyCallMeFink

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